Friday, November 25, 2016

Bestie by Leah Reena Goren

I never received my copy of the book and I waited by the door every time UPS shows up, but they come with no book. I wanted a copy so bad to read. My daughter, who lives many miles away, has it and says it's a must read. So if I receive and/or buy the book I will update my review.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Patient Seven

I wouldn't categorize Patient Seven as a horror movie. I would categorize it more as a thriller/suspense. It began slower than I thought. It did however change it's pace and its content within about 10 minutes. I never seen the ending coming. At first I didn't know if I would finish the movie, but I pushed myself too and boy am I glad I did. I recommended my husband to watch this movie and he was pretty happy with it himself. He normally doesn't like these types of movies, but this one kept him on the front of his seat. A must watch if you like suspense. Let me know what you guys think of it! Enjoy!

The Bus Driver

This movie was out of this world with a lot of action. Not only was there a lot of crime and punishment, but there was a lot of laughter. I thought when I first began to watch it that it would be a slow starting movie, but it started off with suspense. It's down to earth. It does however have some nudity in it. I recommended my husband to watch it since he likes action. Hope you guys get a chance to watch it. Let me know what you think!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Nourishing Meals by Alissa Segersten and Tom Malterre

Nourishing meals isn't just about cooking. It's about being healthy! I've learned about gluten and how it effects one's body. I was amazed by how many recipes were involved in making such a wonderful book. I've learned so much about healthy eating in a fun filled way.
Each chapter has a variety of recipes that gives ingredient tips and/or nutritional tips. Before each recipe it states what the recipe is free of and how many servings it makes. This book is awesome and covers just about everything you can possible think of.
There are a few pictures throughout the book, which make the book a colorful piece. Nourishing meals also gives tips on preserving food, resources, and recommendations.
I found this book to be outstanding in all areas. It targets everyone not just one style or age of person. I received this book from