Monday, October 31, 2016

Far Afield: Rare food enocunters from around the world By Shane Mitchell

Far Afield is filled with astonishing pictures. The scenery alone is just beautiful and impressive. While flipping through the book looking at just the pictures I felt as if I was at peace. I felt like I was right there in the moment. Just amazing.
I found the book to be diversely impressive. I could have never imagined something so unique and successful as this book. The recipes that I tried are amazing. Not only could I make them for my family for dinner, but they also could be stored for a longer life span. It's like going on a world road trip, but not leaving your kitchen. A wonderful book with an amazing picture illustration.
I received this book from

Monday, October 17, 2016

Alexander Hamilton's Guide to Life

While I'm not typically one to pick up a random book on a historical figure, this book snatched up my attention and it's so much fun and such a worthy read! Hamilton really comes to life through Wilser's narratives and tidbits -- some picked from his own actual research that you won't find elsewhere. So much of the Hamilton story is still appropriate today, and this book surely gave me a better understanding of Hamilton the founding father as well as Hamilton the man. My son is actually reading this book now and I must say to see any teenager pick up a book just because is a priceless moment. So do yourself or child a favor and get this book! I received this book from