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I got this book for my son. He struggles with trying to find something to read of interest, but this book helped meet his needs. Not only did he like the comic book layout, he loved what the book was about. This book reaches out to a few people: those who are interested in video games, those interested in the comic book world, and those looking for a fun filled read. I love this book and so does my son. Thanks to for giving us a copy.
I loved this book. I was expecting the book to be full of complicated recipes, but boy was I fooled. There are a variety of sauces that surprised me. No one recipe was like the next. If you like to create sauces, this is the book for you. I received my book from
This read is not really a read. It is a journal. I am liking the fact that the pages are not dated so you can start journaling whenever you feel ready. It is very easy to use. There is nothing difficult about this book at all. I believe this is a great book for not only journaling, but it can be used as a calendar as well. This was a great book. Love it! I received my copy from
Monday, November 20, 2017
The comic book story of video games
I got this book for my son. He struggles with trying to find something to read of interest, but this book helped meet his needs. Not only did he like the comic book layout, he loved what the book was about. This book reaches out to a few people: those who are interested in video games, those interested in the comic book world, and those looking for a fun filled read. I love this book and so does my son. Thanks to for giving us a copy.
video games
Saturday, November 4, 2017
God gave us family by Lisa Tawn Bergren
This read was good. It helps children to understand the make up of a family. It shows that no matter who you are to a child you are family. The pictures are great especially that animals are used to make up families. A very easy read as well. Many children can relate to the words in this read. I really enjoyed reading this to my grandson. I received my copy from Go get you a copy, you'll appreciate this read.
Lisa Tawn Bergren
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Queso! by Lisa Fain
Monday, September 25, 2017
Do one thing every day that makes you happy
This Journal is so fun and exciting. If you love journaling than this is the book for you. This book doesn't just stay on one topic. It goes all over the place and keeps you wanting to do more and more each day. I make sure to open this book daily just to see what the page has to offer me the day I flip the book open. The pages aren't dated so you can start any where at any time. I just love this book and recommend it. I received my copy from Go buy a copy and enjoy!
Friday, September 8, 2017
Start where you are- Week at a glance diary
This read is not really a read. It is a journal. I am liking the fact that the pages are not dated so you can start journaling whenever you feel ready. It is very easy to use. There is nothing difficult about this book at all. I believe this is a great book for not only journaling, but it can be used as a calendar as well. This was a great book. Love it! I received my copy from
Monday, August 21, 2017
How we love by Milah and Kay Yerkovich
This read was so interesting. . If you’re struggling in your relationship
this read gives different suggestions on just about everything. I know my
marriage isn’t perfect, but this read helps build on communication within the
marriage. I felt this book address relationships over-all not just marriages.
There were times I thought the book was talking to me directly and knew exactly
how I felt and what I was going through.
I received this book from I hope you
enjoy it as much as I did.
Milah and Kay Yerkovich,
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Approval Junkie By: Faith Salie
I just love reading memoirs. However this book wasn't the usual memoirs I'm use to reading. It wasn't funny nor interesting to me. It felt like Salie was trying a little too hard, which took away from grabbing my attention. I got bored real quick. This book is more like a doctor office waiting room book, where you can pick it up read a page or two and just put it back down without hesitation. I personally don't recommend this book. I received my book from
Faith Salie,
Friday, May 26, 2017
On Edge by Andrea Petersen
On Edge was so relatable to me. I suffer from severe anxiety and medication is not what I am looking for to help me overcome situations.
On Edge gives in-depth information about the disease it's self and possible treatments. Both drug related and non-drug related options were spoken about.
This book is a great read for anyone suffering or knows of anyone who is suffering from anxiety.
I received this book from
Andrea Petersen,
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Crazy is my Superpower by AJ Mendez Brooks
This read was so interesting. I never knew that AJ struggled with mental illness. She found a way to cope with her challenges through wrestling. This read isn't always serious. There were moments were AJ wrote with humor. There wasn't a lot of WWE moments either. My husband, who is a WWE fan felt a little japed with this book. He wanted AJ to talk more about her wrestling career. This read was solely based on how she conquered her life and made something of herself. AJ is leading a life of being a great role model for young woman. She gives them hope. I received this read from
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Writing My Wrongs by Shaka Senghor
Shaka's childhood was far from safe and happy. He experienced things that no child should witness or feel. As growing up he led a life of mischief and illegal activities. He became a drug dealer and a murderer. He ended up in prison which led him to change his ways of life and how he felt about himself, others, and the world.
This read really put some insight on life inside of a prison. It also shows us how a bad childhood can mold someone into criminal activity due to their anger and wanting control of their lives. However, one must remember your parents can help mold you, but you are the one that makes the choices to live in their footsteps or become your own footsteps.
I received this read from
shaka senghor
Friday, March 24, 2017
The Roanoke Girls by Amy Engel
Reading this book was interesting to say the least. It was well written with great character. It is a very suspenseful, heartbreaking, successful read if you ask me. I just kept on reading even when I said just one more page. One more paged turned into one more chapter and before I knew it, the whole book was read in hours. This read makes your family secrets no longer lonely. It went from one subject to another subject which ranged from a dysfunctional family with rage, happiness, and sadness. This was a great read. Thanks to for giving me the opportunity to read it!
Amy Engel,
dysfunctional family
Friday, February 24, 2017
Talking with God by Adam Weber
This read was difficult, but yet intriguing. It was difficult because I struggle with talking to God. This read made it interesting and let me know that conversation with God does not have to be difficult or stressful. I found out through the reading that there is no set way to communicate with God. That no matter what or where I may be God is always willing, able, and available to talk to. I wanted to know more. It was so informative that I just could not put the book down. I received this book from
Adam Weber,
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
In a different key by John Donvan and Caren Zucker
In a different key gives the history of autism. I feel that this read wasn't personal enough. I love someone with autism and would have liked to see more reality based information other than scientific information in this read. With that being said, this read was very informative. I just don't think it was on a personal note. I received this read from
Caren Zucker,
John Donvan
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Wake Up to the Joy of You by Agapi Stassinopoulos
A relaxing read! It's hard to get to a relaxing state when our minds are all stressed out. Wake up to the joy of you helps you to do just that-relax. All the encouragement from a complete stranger is an incentive to read more. All the practices all you to relax on a daily basis no matter where you are. I will be passing this off to a loved one who really needs an incentive. I received this read from
Agapi Stassinopoulos,
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